Friday 8 April 2016


Sunday, May 1, 2011

panic in the streets? no? wheeeee? stupids


 the following journal relates to
 rational thinking.
and a video.

in summary.

yes. the following journal relates to rational christian thinking.

connected to this video on youtube .

by which factor note this information ultimately you wonderful people on earth..

right here.



the fall of the sweetest angelic spiritual being, who ever lived.

who has now spiritually made himself a jigaboo, regarding heavens rankings that is, my brother jehovah,
alias yah-weh. the formerly blessed god of israel.

his fall is a surety for a time at least. when this existence is through.

probably forver,.
as this website verifies.

but how long is forever?

do humans know the real meaning to that word?

 what does this website factually teach humans regarding that question?

think now/ humans?

or even this website?

and its contents?

woe my?

by the way. p.s.
the narrarator in this video does a decent job of narrarating this videos contents.

for the most part. yes. mostly. but, but, for the record, early on in this video, the narrarator quotes a gospel scripture entitled matthew 22; 32. and its contents.

so, on that note addressed i will clarify a truth for humanity , and for the listeners and watchers of this video, right now.

in fact i will clarify the following truth for all creation right now.

unknown to most human beings, and most angels and even most deities in fact so,
every fact in christianity, in christianitys full entirety, that is, clearly verifies, in no uncertain terms that high ranking angels and ancient deities descended from christ jesus in lineage have the right to take mates.

genesis 6: 2-6 refers to minor high ranking angels recently created in this existence.

who elevated themselves above christ and above certain instructions given to them by high ranking deities in the beginning of this existence.

by which fact, they caused chaos, in disobeying the decent instructions of very ancient pure deities. who are descended from christ in very ancient by gone existences. now forgotten by mortal men in this life.

 as an ancient scriptural text entitled the book of enoch also obviously says.

so, to summarize what matthew 22; 32 says therefore, obviously, if all of christianitys facts are evaluated appropriately at length, the real meaning of matthew 22; 32 applies to lesser ranking angels in heaven created in this life.

and such a scriptures instructions also apply to righteous christian humans in this life.
meaning righteous mortals-
who honor what jesus says in revelation 22; 14-15, by which fact- they become angels of heaven,, after this existence is through.
as adopted sons of the christian GOD.
as matthew 13; 43 states.

but matthew 22;29- 32 does not apply to the ancient deities.
humans on earth greatly error if they think that. get your facts straight.
because the ancient deities ate of a form of the tree of life that is purity completely.

in a variety of rare different forms.

which is also why matthew 17; 21 is written.

regarding a few rare ancient deities who we're formerly righteous to christ too in previous existences.

humans need to get their facts straight on that matter.

in alignment to everything the HOLY SPIRIT in christianity says through jesus christ connected to what christianity teaches all creation in a christian passage of scripture entitled luke 4; 4.

okay/ clear and simple.
and straight to the point of truth in this life.

the preceding information addressed is also why c5q41 of the words of nostradamus are written to all humanity in this life too.

regarding a certain ancient being likewise.

earthlings read this website.
for the truth of that matter.

and for the real truth of all life.
in all universes.
in truths entirety.
in full.


for the record, their is no reason for humans to not note such truth.

to not note it is hypocrisy for humans.


for humans, every fact in existence verifies that such truth is decent and appropriate.

and for a human not to note it is not decent.

to not note it is hypocritical ''therefore.''

clear and simple.
avoid hypocrisy people on earth. as matthew 24; 51 states.

follow that good advice. clear and simple.

and straight to the point of christian truth.

if humans avoid infinite hypocrisy then their is no need for panic in the streets on earth. as revelation 3: 9-15 warns. yet, if humanity does insist on hypocrisy, for the most part, in defiance of the simple instructions addressed in GODS laws then humans should panic. because God is a righteous judge in connection to 2nd esdras chapters 13-14.
God does not reward hypocrisy or hypocrites with salvation.
or life.
and humanity today, for the most part are indulged in so much hypocrisies galore that it could make a righteous beings head spin continually out of wax regarding thoughts of logic.
as romans 6: 1-3 connected to luke 13: 1-3 connected to 2nd peter 3: 5-17 connected to c10q72 of the quatrains of nostradamus warns humanity today in spades so, something has to give, here.
wickedness has to stop on earth presently in connection to the facts of this life. or i will bring or rather call a lquid metal deity named mercury, in the transformed image or form of a 13th century a d mongol of this existence named ghenghis khan to honor 2nd esdras 13 fully.
before c4q97 takes place.
and the final 300 years of this existence are set in motion.
explained in appropriate detail elsewhere upon this website.

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